HSR or High Skin Refiner treatment intensively tones the skin, promoting cell regeneration, while enhancing the elasticity of the skin. Instantly help lengthen the life of our skin’s DNA and slow down the natural aging process by stopping the glycation of our collagen and elastin, resulting in a reduction of lines and wrinkles. Skin of the eye area looks firmer and smoother and skin looks more even and radiant. This treatment which not only works to reduce and slow down the process of skin aging considerably, but also use a multitude of innovative complexes to effectively firm, tone and lift. The skin becomes firmer and plumper with more elasticity, allowing the face to regain its youthful contours.

HSR Lifting/Firming Facial
For Skin Type
Mature, Aging, and Sagging skin
Lifting and Toning the Skin, Enhancing Firmness and Elasticity, Reducing the Appearance of Wrinkles, Improving Skin Contour, Stimulating Collagen Production, and Providing a More Youthful Appearance
Key Ingredients
High-Strength Retinol, Peptides, Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, Vitamin C, and Firming Botanicals (such as Centella Asiatica or Green Tea Extract)